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Volunteer/Internship Opportunities

We offer community service-learning hours to high school and college students. Our organization encourages the participation of volunteers/interns who support our mission.

Sign up below.

S.A.N Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us. Our organization encourages the participation of volunteers who support our mission. If you agree with our mission and are willing to be interviewed and trained in our procedures, we encourage you to complete this application. The information on this form will be kept confidential and will help us find the most satisfying and appropriate volunteer opportunity for you.

Highest Level of Education
What is your current employment status?

Please list any special training, skills, hobbies, groups, clubs and/or organization your are a part of. Please describe your prior volunteer experience (include organization names and dates of service). Why do you want to volunteer? [Or, What do you want to gain from this volunteer experience?]

Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
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